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The sweetest memory

The sweetest memory
Begining of a new chapter

Sunday, January 24, 2010

An Experience that Made Me Humble

I was hospitalised on 25 October 2009. 4 days after my birthday and 2 days after a dinner party. I woke up with no suspision or intuition that at 11am I would be rushed to the hospital. Since my husband is away for his class, I did not plan to do anything but prepare some breakfast and continue marking the final examination answer scripts.
After breakfast, I went back into my bedroom and started marking the answer script. Suddenly, my stomach felt funny. A sharp pain starts to radiate from the middle of my stomach. Then, a bile hit my throat and I ran to the toilet and threw up. The spasm would not die until nothing would come out anymore. That was the moment that I realised I need help. I'm lucky that my brother was at home. He helped to call my father and they get a car to send me to the hospital.
The journey to the hospital is only a pulsing pain inside my stomach.The next clear patch of memory is, I was getting irritated by the questions and not getting any help yet. Nonetheless, I would express my gratitude to the Accident and Emergency Department staff for their care and help. Somehow I managed to inform my dear husband. He then rushed back to see me. Before he arrived, I was able to hold back tears. The moment I saw my hubby, I allowed the tears to flow.
Further examination confirmed that I must undergo surgery as my abdomen cavity is full of blood. I was so much in pain that I believe I would agree to anything the doctor suggests. The next patch of memory is getting prepared to enter the operation theater. The pain is getting more distant as the pain killer kicks in. After kisses and goodbyes I was dead to the world for about 2hours. The next 10-20 hours is a fuzzy memory,mostly told by my hubby rather than being remembered by me.
When I was fully awake the next day, I found out that I could not get up from bed on my own. I leave the ability to stand and walk on my own for you to guess. My throat was swollen due to the breathing tubes they slid into my trachea. I cannot swallow much. I felt so weak and helpless. Thus starts the way of recovery.However, stop your worry. Now I'm back on my feet and happy.
What makes me humble is that I could go from perfectly healthy and scarrless to very sick and have a five inch long surgery scarr in less than a day. The experience really gives me a reality check. You would never know when is the moment His Almighty will take away something that He lends to you. You cannot guess when your life would be changed forever. Now, i wake up and tell myself "Enjoy will it last but also be gratefull for all that He has given to you"
Thank you to my husband who was very gentle and patient during my recovery. I love you so much Cayang.